TrellisWare was recognized in the Communications and IT category, based on its significant innovations in incorporating patented and patent pending processing techniques into a very small, versatile, fully scalable, wideband Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (MANET) handheld product.
Plethora of Communications Options Compound Challenges at the Tactical Edge
Wireless Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are rapidly gaining popularity as a situational awareness communications technology due to their rapidly deployable, self-configuring characteristics.
Modern Day Marine
TrellisWare at Modern Day Marine, 2012
Marines Test Long-range Data Radios
The Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory is developing radios and communication systems to speed the flow of information — both voice and data — between ground forces and commands.
TechNet LandForces – South
TrellisWare at TechNet.
NATIA’s 27th Annual Training Conference and Technology Exhibition
TrellisWare at NATIA’s 27th Annual Training Conference and Technology Exhibition.
War Commanders Want Troops to Carry Lighter Loads
Marine Corps officials are hopeful that industry can help solve one of the service’s toughest equipment problems: How to lighten the load.
Amphibious Network Lets Marines Share Data From 250 Miles Away
It’s the first big test for the Marines’ communications system of the future, one that enables commanders to send text, data, video and voice messages to jarheads ashore from way, way out in the open water.